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Winter hiking in South Tyrol: a rest-seeker‘s dream come true

Welcome to our winter wonderland

Winter hiking in the Dolomites is simply a dream. Hike across the snowy scenery, bask in the bright sunshine and take in the soothing silence. The snow quiets down all noises; all you hear is the snow crunching underneath your feet and the songs of the birds, expressing their joy to be alive.

The surroundings of our hotel in San Cassiano/St. Kassian offer lots of trails, which are ideal for winter hiking. About 80 km of perfectly groomed winter hikes in Alta Badia are waiting just for you to leave your footsteps in the fresh snow. Thanks to the many signs you will always know which way to go, treading quietly across this winter wonderland to the most beautiful places of the area.  

A loyal companion on your winter hike is the spectacular backdrop of the Dolomites. There is something about these impressive peaks, which seem to scratch the sky. Start looking forward to wonderful moments in the glistening white outdoors during your winter holiday in the Dolomites! Our reception staff at Hotel Conturines have a few great tips for winter hikes in store for you.

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