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The meaning of the hotel name

For long, the hotel in San Cassiano in Alta Badia had to its name the addition of “Posta”, because a post office was stationed in the hotel after the war, as it was the case with many of the hotels in villages then.


The symbol on the coat of arms, on the other hand, has always been a bear, the ursus ladinicus, representing the Conturines mountain. At the end of the 1980s, a fossil hunter from Corvara found numerous bone remains there and determined that they came from the long-extinct cave bear (Ursus spelaeus), which was living in the Fanes highlands about 40,000 years ago.


Over the time the Hotel Posta logo has also been renewed. The terms “Posta” and “Bear” were consciously avoided. According to the corporate philosophy, the aim was to get rid of everything superfluous and to focus only on the basics, in order to communicate authenticity.

The meaning of the hotel name
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